Fantasy, Reviews, Spoiler free, Young Adult

Something Awful {Spoiler free} – Cindy Paul

This book review is spoiler free!

Author: Cindy Paul

Series: Standalone

Audience: YA

Rating: 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Something lurks underneath the surface of the Hog Creek river…

Welcome to dusty and washed-out Hog Creek, where nothing ever happens. Until Grayson accidentally sees a horrifying creature disappear into the local river. He ignores the incident, but then people start to go missing…



Writing Style

The book is a quick read thanks to the layout. Short sentences and enough enters that give a signal that another character is talking. The book is easy to read after a long day. There are also illustrations in this book which give you an idea about the surroundings.



Grayson is the main character. He’s Mexican-American. He sells fake ID’s to rich kids to support his father. Grayson also works in a record shop.


Shelby is the only Black goth in Hog Creek. She’s friendly towards Grayson even though they’re not friends and offers to teach him how to swim.


Aaron is a guy that Grayson has seen in the record shop. They’ve never really had an introduction. He goes to a high school called Berxley Hall.


There’s some romance in the book but it’s slow paced. It’s a LGBTQ+ romance.

What I liked the most

I love that there are illustrations with this book! It immediately gives me an idea about the surroundings. I usually struggle with picturing something when I read so this is very nice for me.


EverAfterPrint was kind enough to send me a review copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

Hog Creek is a town where something strange is going on. Early on in the book we find out that there’s a creature with absurdly long limbs, and thrice as many of them, just walks to a river and disappears. Things become strange when people suddenly go missing.

The book has a mystery vibe because we slowly get pieces of information, making us start with a lot of questions in the beginning. We see everything through Grayson’s eyes and slowly get more information about what his life is like. There’s also some LGBTQ+ romance in the book but it’s slow paced. Not much happens romance wise until the middle of the book.

The book felt a bit slow in the beginning because it took me a little while to figure out what the plot exactly was about. That quickly changed once Shelby was introduced. She gave the book a nice pace by pulling Grayson out of his comfort zone.

The book contains beautiful illustrations by Renée Zonneveld.

Warning: this book contains heavy topics such as bullying, abuse and homophobia.

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