Fantasy, Reviews, Spoiler free, Young Adult

Breakup From Hell – Ann Dávila Cardinal

This book review is spoiler free!

Author: Ann Dávila Cardinal

Series: Standalone

Audience: YA

Rating: 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 


Miguela Angeles is tired. Tired of her abuela keeping secrets, especially about her heritage. Tired of her small Vermont town and hanging out at the same places with the same friends she’s known forever. So when another boring Sunday trip to church turns into a run-in with Sam, a mysterious hottie in town on vacation, Mica seizes the opportunity to get closer to him.

It’s not long before she is under Sam’s spell and doing things she’s never done before, like winning all her martial arts sparring matches—and lying to her favorite people. The more time Mica spends with Sam, the more weird things start to happen, too. Like terrifying-visions-of-the-world-ending weird.

Mica’s gut instincts keep telling her something is off, yet Sam is the most exciting guy she’s ever met. But when Mica discovers his family’s roots, she realizes that instead of being in the typical high school relationship, she’s living in a horror novel.

She has to leave Sam, but will ending their relationship also bring an end to everything she knows and everyone she loves?


What I liked the most

I loved the humour, supernatural things and the friendship dynamics in this book.


Harper 360 YA was kind enough to send me an ebook in exchange for my honest opinion.

Breakup from Hell is a fast paced paranormal romance with lots of humour. Miguela, also known as Mica, is tired of living in her small town. Her abuela is very protective of her and refuses to tell her something about her heritage. What secrets is abuela hiding?

Then Sam shows up in her small town. Mica wonders what this good looking guy is doing here and can’t wait to get to know him better. Sam changed her life, literally. Mica suddenly wins all her martial arts sparring matches and starts lying to people, something that has never happened before. Then she discovers Sam’s family roots and her world gets turned upside down. She has to leave Sam but will ending that relationship end the whole world?

Breakup from Hell kept me on my toes. It’s fast paced with lots of humour. I love all the supernatural elements in it. I also really liked the friendship dynamics in the book. Breakup from Hell has instant love but it’s done well. Normal girl falling for a supernatural is a trope that has been used many times but Ann Dávila Cardinal gave it a nice twist. I will definitely reread this book in the future.

Tw: Death of parent

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