contemporary, k-pop, Reviews, Spoiler free, Young Adult

Once upon a K-prom – Kat Cho

This book review is spoiler free!

Author: Kat Cho

Series: Standalone

Audience: YA

Rating: 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 


Elena Soo has always felt overshadowed. Whether by her more successful older sisters, her more popular twin brother, or her more outgoing best friend, everyone except Elena seems to know exactly who they are and what they want. But she is certain about one thing – she has no interest in going to prom. While the rest of the school is giddy over corsages and dresses, Elena would rather spend her time working to save the local community center, the one place that’s always made her feel like she belonged.

So when international K-pop superstar Robbie Choi shows up at her house to ask her to prom, Elena is more confused than ever. Because the one person who always accepted Elena as she is? Her childhood best friend, Robbie Choi. And the one thing she maybe, possibly, secretly wants more than anything? For the two of them to keep the promise they made each other as kids: to go to prom together. But that was seven years ago, and with this new K-pop persona, pink hair, and stylish clothes, Robbie is nothing like the sweet, goofy boy she remembers. The boy she shared all her secrets with. The boy she used to love.

Besides, prom with a guy who comes with hordes of screaming fans, online haters, and relentless paparazzi is the last thing Elena wants – even if she can’t stop thinking about Robbie’s smile…right?



Writing Style

The chapters are short and there are a few Korean words in the story. There are two POV’s. Elena’s and Robbie’s point of view.


Elena Soo

Elena is an ordinary high school senior. She doesn’t consider herself as special and doesn’t feel seen by others.

Robbie Choi

Robbie is part of a popular k-pop group. Elena would probably describe him as the guy who has it all.


Once Upon a K-Prom is about Elena. She used to best friends with Robbie. That was until he moved to Korea. But before he left he promised her that they would go to prom together.

Years have passed by. Things have changed. Robbie is a successful idol and part of one of the biggest K-pop groups. Meanwhile Elena doesn’t feel very seen by her family. She’s focusing on high school, helping out at the community center and no longer wants to go to prom. The best friends are no longer in touch. That is until Robbie suddenly appears on Elena’s doorstep, asking her to go to prom with him.

I really enjoyed reading Once Upon a K-Prom! It’s filled with lots of humour but there are also sweet moments. It has the estranged best friends trope, which means there are enough awkward moments between Robbie and Elena. What else do you expect if one of them acts like not much has changed? Robbie is no longer the same Robbie, or is he? Elena discovers how hectic Robbie’s life is and she gets to know herself better. Did everyone truly leave her just like Robbie did?

Once Upon a K-Prom is a fun, quick read for people who love K-pop books.

TW: Bullying

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